Use process efficiency to save time, money and resources

We have all been there, at work realizing that several people are working on the same project; or repeating tasks instead of using the work that is already there; or as an entrepreneur, wondering if we could just finish our projects faster. How can we prevent this? The answer is process efficiency. Efficiency means to have a better use of resources to accomplish your goals. A process is the series of steps you have to follow in order to achieve those goals.

The overall goal of increasing process efficiency is to lower costs, use all material and immaterial resources better and increase the rate of production. Process efficiency can be used in complex tasks such as the production process of a car, and everyday tasks such as how to check out customers at a store; and could even apply to the steps you follow to provide internal and external services in your business. Although process efficiency can get as complex as analyzing importance, timing and duration for each tasks and creating alternatives; there are basic steps that you can follow in order to improve the way you do every day work:

1. Dividing the project in tasks: What are the steps necessary to accomplish your objective? Each one of them is a TaskĀ.

2. Evaluating to make sure all tasks are necessary: Take a look at each one of these steps, you might find tasks that you could do without or are repetitive, you can maybe even find that a step is necessary but it has opportunities to be simplified by re-using work instead of creating from scratch every time.

3. Making sure that the same task isnt being repeated by a second person, and avoid unnecessary revisions: Take a look at what each member of the team is doing, is it repetitive work? If someone is tasked with revising what others are doing, make sure that they arent re-doing the work or micro-managing.

With these simple steps youll be able to improve the way you do work by saving time, money and other resources.


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