Emotional Marketing for products, services and people

What is more emotional than a baby seal? According to Wikipedia: Emotional branding is a term used within marketing communication that refers to the practice of building brands that appeal directly to a consumer’s emotional state, needs and aspirations. While this is defining it as a type/option of branding, I personally believe that all good branding should have an emotional component. Your brand is more than a group of positive financial results, more than just a logo and much more than tangible attributes: it is the impression that happens in the mind of a consumer, a lot of that impression is made of the emotions that people associate with the brand. When building a brand, lets not only focus on the tangible aspects, but the intangible ones. Lets keep our consumers in mind: their needs, their mindset and their emotional state. Lets ask ourselves: What is the emotional appeal of my brand? This doesnt apply exclusively to products, but also to people, with every action we are building a personal brand with internal and external clients. Are you reliable, kind, flexible, personable? What key attributes would you like your business or personal brand to have?

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