Be OK with the “no”

Everyone needs to be comfortable with “NO”, if something is not a good fit, if it doesn’t feel ok, just say no. As a business owner, this is especially important. When you make an offer, a “no” means that you tried and did hard work today. When you say “no” to someone, you are being […]

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Are you a “bungee” or a “sky-dive” entrepreneur?

Do you like to bungee jump or to skydive? As an entrepreneur, are you motivated by the hustle or motivated by stability? It’s important to take this into account before you start your own business, as it will determine the strategies you’ll use.Will you become a full-time entrepreneur right away? Or will you start part- […]

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When to get “personal” with your business?

Since there are a lot of people offering what you’re doing, what will make people pick you, is what sets you apart and makes you different from your competition. Incorporating your values, purpose, personality, etc., will help you differentiate yourself. How much of your personal life should you incorporate on your business? See the answer […]

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