What is an innovator (and why they will succeed in 2017)
I am going through a rebranding process in my business where my packages are changing. I am also looking for the best way to describe my target market. As you may know, this can be a frustrating process…find those perfect words to direct yourself to that group of people that can benefit the most from […]
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Why Amazon and Ebay may not be the right places for your product
One of the biggest mistakes that product entrepreneurs make is to think that more distribution = success, when in reality what more distribution represents is that one decision maker (a Buyer, etc) has decided that they want to give your product a chance. Yes, that is good news, but it doesn’t mean that you’ve now […]
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How do I know how to price my product?
How do I know how to price my product? Some people just pretty much make up a price as they go, others price it the same as their competitors. If you don’t consider all the factors and you launch with the wrong price, this could be the end of your business. Underpricing or over-pricing can […]
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