Busy, busy, busy…but not making enough money…
What if you spend all this time perfecting your art and putting your ideas to words, but still no one wants to work with you?
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Goal setting success
LET’S BE HONEST… We have all written goals that we don’t execute.Hello? Eating better and exercising new years resolutions…I’m a business strategist, I do this for a living and I’ve made this mistake as well.Generally, we do this when we find an area in our lives that we don’t want to deal with because we […]
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“I’m generating all this content but I get no sales”
You feel raw and vulnerable and you have the tendency to wait out and see how many people respond to what you posted or generated. It is hard to show your best stuff to the world, to be entirely yourself and trust that what you have to say is indeed valuable and that people will […]
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