Losing clients for being too nice?

Goodie two shoes or bitchy witchy…

You can loose clients from being too nice, or to mean…it’s really a fine balance.
If you’re too nice, it can sound like you’re begging for work, hmmm… maybe you’re not doing that well as you say, or maybe you started yesterday. Will you give them the results that you promised, really? hmmm.
You also end up resenting all those clients that you bent over backwards for, was it worth it to do double the work than what they paid for?
On the other side, you get no clients being mean. or you get clients that hate working with you because you make them feel awful, don’t get any results and end up avoiding you when they see you at the grocery store.
The sweet spot is to be of service, want to help others, but being very confident, sure that what you have has value and unattached to make a specific person your client.

To more dream clients ;),

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