How to grow your product-based business with the power of referrals

A lot of businesses miss out on the power of testimonials and referrals. You may spend a ton of time on social media, but did you know that good work of mouth is still, in 2017, the #1 way to get new business?
During this webinar you’ll learn:
– How to generate good word of mouth aka. people saying good things about your product?
– How to encourage referrals without sounding “salesy”?
– How to get the best testimonials?
I teach tips that you can start using right away in your business, I won’t be reciting theory, I will give you executable ideas, also, this is not a pitch-fest webinar, I pride myself on giving VALUE.
AND FINALLY: You’ll learn marketing secrets that corporations have paid millions for!!!

Sign up for my webinar series here:

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