How can you choose the right assortment?

Whether you offer a product or a service, the most important decisions youll make for your business are deciding what youll offer and who youll offer it to. After you have figured out your priorities and basic strategy, choosing the right assortment of options you offer to the consumer is the next the most important […]

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How can promotions be bad for your business

When we are planning our sales strategy for a business, we could tend to think that discounts are always positive because people like them and well increase sales and customer satisfaction, although these are potential positive results we need to ask ourselves if the total discounts that youre giving generate enough value for your business. […]

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Why TED talks DO work

I am sure that we have all watched this video where a TED speaker shares his thoughts on why the bright future promised on TED talks doesnt happen… and he does is at a TED Talk, no less. While he is sharing a valid point of view, Ill give him that much, he is only […]

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