Beware of over-launching products

The biggest mistake that I see small product-based businesses do is to overlaunch.

I may be making up this word right now, so I will explain what I mean:

I’m sure you have 100 ideas for new items to launch in your head. There are so many amazing things that you can make and people will love, right?

I have seen companies launch 15 different products on year one, not because they have carefully planned them, but because it sounds like a “good idea”.

In theory, you might have interest from people, but overlaunching is to try and run before you learn to walk.
Well, here are 3 things to consider before launching a ton of things at the same time:

1. Your capacity: are you able to design, manage and launch many items at the same time?

2. Overwhelming people: Are you giving them too many choices, when they may not even know you yet? Confused people don’t buy

3. Testing: You might be committing to testing too many things at the same time, and in this process, you might need to do corrections. It is easier to figure out what went wrong or what can improve when you launch fewer items at a time.

Leyla Razeghi

Product Strategist

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